Identification Document API
The Identification Document API is used to process and validate identification documents and passports. Each call requires an api key to be present in the http header.
Supported document types
Averse (av) is always the front of given document
Reverse (rev) is always the back of given document
Type selfie is used for selfie comparison
Country | Passport | National ID | Other |
LT | lt_pass_av lt_pass_rev | lt_id_av lt_id_rev | |
SE | se_pass_av se_pass_rev | se_id_sk_av (skatteverket) se_id_sk_rev (skatteverket) se_id_po_av (polisen) se_id_po_rev (polisen) | se_drive_av (körkort) se_drive_rev (körkort) |
NO | no_pass_av no_pass_rev | no_id_av no_id_rev | |
DK | dk_pass_av dk_pass_rev | ||
FI | fi_pass_av fi_pass_rev | fi_id_av fi_id_rev | |
UK | uk_pass_av uk_pass_rev | uk_drive_av (drivers license) uk_drive_rev (drivers license) | |
LV | lv_pass_pi_av lv_pass_pi_rev lv_pass_ne_av lv_pass_ne_rev | lv_id_av lv_id_rev | |
NL | nl_pass_av nl_pass_rev | nl_id_av nl_id_rev | |
GR | gr_pass_av gr_pass_rev | ||
FR | fr_pass_av fr_pass_rev | fr_id_av fr_id_rev | fr_carte_av (carte vitale) fr_carte_rev (carte vitale) |
ES | es_pass_av es_pass_rev | es_id_av es_id_rev | es_cata_av es_cata_rev |
IT | it_pass_av it_pass_rev | it_id_av it_id_rev | |
DE | de_pass_av de_pass_rev | de_id_av de_id_rev | |
CZ | cz_pass_av cz_pass_rev | cz_id_av cz_id_rev | |
PL | pl_pass_av pl_pass_rev | pl_id_av pl_id_rev | |
BE | be_pass_av be_pass_rev | be_id_nl_av be_id_nl_rev be_id_fr_av be_id_fr_rev | |
RO | ro_pass_av ro_pass_rev | ro_id_av ro_id_rev | |
AT | at_pass_av at_pass_rev | at_id_av at_id_rev | |
PT | pt_pass_av pt_pass_rev | pt_id_av pt_id_rev | |
HU | hu_pass_av hu_pass_rev | hu_id_av hu_id_rev | |
BG | bg_pass_av bg_pass_rev | bg_id_av bg_id_rev | |
RS | rs_pass_av rs_pass_rev | rs_id_av rs_id_rev | |
SK | sk_pass_av sk_pass_rev | sk_id_av sk_id_rev | |
SI | si_pass_av si_pass_rev | si_id_av si_id_rev | |
IE | ie_pass_av ie_pass_rev | ie_id_av ie_id_rev | |
EE | ee_pass_av ee_pass_rev | ee_id_av ee_id_rev | |
HR | hr_pass_av hr_pass_rev | hr_id_av hr_id_rev | |
MT | mt_pass_av mt_pass_rev | mt_id_av mt_id_rev | |
CY | cy_pass_av cy_pass_rev | cy_id_av cy_id_rev | |
* | selfie |
Perform OCR reading and validation of a document
Example request:
Replace API_KEY with your own api key.
Document should be the document file contents as a base64 encoded string.
Digest should be a sha1 digest of the document file contents.
Type is one of the supported document types
Note that there is a 6MB request size limit. If you need to process more than one document, see Upload documents at the bottom of this guide
Example request:
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "x-api-key: API_KEY"
-d @- << EOF
"document": "base64...",
"digest": "sha1...",
"type": "sv_id_av"
Example response:
"status" : "completed",
"valid" : true,
"validation_score" : 100.0,
"ocr_texts" : ["string"],
"ocr_labels" : [{
"description" : "string",
"score" : 100.0,
"data": {
"first_name" : "string",
"last_name" : "string",
"birthdate" : "string",
"sex" : "string",
"personal_number" : "string",
"document_number" : "string",
"document_expires" : "string",
"document_valid" : true
Perform OCR reading and deep validation of one or more documents (supports selfie)
Example request:
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "x-api-key: API_KEY"
-d @- << EOF
"documents": [
"document": "base64...",
"digest": "sha1...",
"type": "sv_id_av"
"document": "base64...",
"digest": "sha1...",
"type": "sv_id_rev"
"document": "base64...",
"digest": "sha1...",
"type": "selfie"
"first_name": "optional",
"last_name": "optional",
"personal_number": "optional"
Example response:
"status" : "completed",
"validation_score" : 100.0,
"verification_score" : 100.0,
"document_validations" : {
"selfie" : {
"sv_id_av" : {
"isIdentical" : false,
"confidence" : 27.84
"sv_id_rev" : {
"isIdentical" : false,
"confidence" : 0.0
"sv_id_av" : {
"type" : 97,
"type_validity" : 96.0,
"required_type_validity" : 100.0,
"data": 100.0
"sv_id_rev" : {
"type": 98.0,
"type_validity" : 98.0,
"required_type_validity" : 100.0
"data": {
"first_name" : "string",
"last_name" : "string",
"birthdate" : "string",
"sex" : "string",
"personal_number" : "string",
"document_number" : "string",
"document_expires" : "string",
"document_valid" : true
Upload documents
To upload documents prior to processing, you can use the upload_links method to generate file keys and secure upload links to upload your documents. In the process method you can provide file_key instead of contents to process an uploaded document.
Example request:
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "x-api-key: API_KEY"
-d @- << EOF
"count": 2
Example response:
"links" : [
"file_key": "file_key",
"put_url": "https://...",
"expires_in": 3600
"file_key": "file_key",
"put_url": "https://...",
"expires_in": 3600
Uploading to a put url
Example request:
curl \
--request PUT \
--upload-file selfie.jpg \
Perform OCR reading and deep validation using file keys
Example request:
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "x-api-key: API_KEY"
-d @- << EOF
"documents": [
"file_key": "file_key",
"digest": "sha1...",
"type": "sv_id_av"
"file_key": "file_key",
"digest": "sha1...",
"type": "sv_id_rev"
"file_key": "file_key",
"digest": "sha1...",
"type": "selfie"
"first_name": "optional",
"last_name": "optional",
"personal_number": "optional"
Example response:
"status" : "completed",
"validation_score" : 100.0,
"verification_score" : 100.0,
"document_validations" : {
"selfie" : {
"sv_id_av" : {
"isIdentical" : false,
"confidence" : 27.84
"sv_id_rev" : {
"isIdentical" : false,
"confidence" : 0.0
"sv_id_av" : {
"type" : 97,
"type_validity" : 96.0,
"required_type_validity" : 100.0,
"data": 100.0
"sv_id_rev" : {
"type": 98.0,
"type_validity" : 98.0,
"required_type_validity" : 100.0
"data": {
"first_name" : "string",
"last_name" : "string",
"personal_number" : "string",
"document_number" : "string",
"document_expires" : "string",
"document_valid" : true
Updated over 6 years ago